Brussels, March 7th
The SCC 2025 Conference
The Safer Cancer Care Conference puts the spotlight on occupational exposure & hazardous drug safety issues in oncology and when using hazardous medicinal products throughout all areas within human and veterinary healthcare.
Following our 2023 conference in London, we are pleased to announce our next event which will be held in Brussels on March 7th 2025 at the Hilton Grand Place Hotel.
This conference is open to clinical governance, healthcare managers, nurses, pharmacists, workers’ rights entities and healthcare establishments from across Europe, the UK, and focusses on current scientific evidence, the risks to health, and best practice, and the future responsibilities of employers regards hazardous drug exposure management and in line with the recently published ISOPP Standards for the Safe Handling of Cytotoxics 2022, the EU Guidance for the Safe Management of Hazardous Medicinal Products at work 2023, and the ETUI (European Trade Union Institute) List of Hazardous Medicinal Products 2022.
The Safer Cancer Care Clinical Board lead this independent event which is kindly supported by industry partners who have no influence over the academic agenda. See the clinical board here.
We welcome you in joining us in Brussels and we appreciate your own input to this vital topic. For any questions or conference enquiries please email us at info@safercancercare.com
Please also follow us and discuss your own experiences on LinkedIn.
You can view last year’s conference and presentations here: