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The conference 2023
Speakers & Academic Program

On Friday April 21, 2023 we held a conference in London for nurses, pharmacists and healthcare establishments from across Europe, the UK and the US, on the scientific evidence, the risks, and best practice regards hazardous drug exposure management and recently published EU guidance and the ETUI (European Trade Union Institute) List of Hazardous Medicinal Products. 

Paul Sessink
Seth Eisenberg
Ian Lindsley.
Elisa Mills
Anki Delin Eriksson
Dr. Karen Campbell
  • Chairman Paul Sessink, PhD, Exposure Control, Sweden
    Paul is an internationally renowned researcher & co-author of 40 scientific publications regarding environmental and biological monitoring of occupational exposure to hazardous drugs. ​

    • Hazardous Drugs: Update on health risks and safe handling for nurses.

  • Seth Eisenberg, Oncology Nursing Lecturer, USA 
    Seth has been practicing as an Oncology Certified nurse since 1983. He has spent the last 25 years promoting hazardous drug safety as an international lecturer, nurse researcher, and author of several articles and book chapters, including the Oncology Nursing Society's Safe Handling of Hazardous Drugs. 

    • "Nursing & Hazardous Drug Safety: A U.S. perspective on implementing mandatory guidance for safe oncology nursing."

  • Ian Lindsley, Secretary of the European Biosafety Network 
    Ian is Secretary of the European Biosafety Network and co-author of the ETUI (European Trade Union Institute) List of Hazardous Medicinal Products 2022, which is the only list utilising the 2022 EU definition of HMPs and is also included in the 2023 EU guidelines. "

    • Background to the issue of occupational exposure to hazardous medicinal products (HMPs), recent legislative, other requirements, measures to prevent exposure of healthcare workers and the ETUI list of HMPs".

  • Elisa Mills, National Quality Lead, Cancer Services Nuffield Health Group, UK 
    Elisa is the National Lead for Cancer Services at Nuffield Health, managing best practice, quality, safety and cancer strategy for the organisation. Elisa is a registered nurse since 2004 working within cancer services both for NHS and independent sector providers.

    • ​"Protecting our workforce – standardising safety measures to minimise hazardous drug exposure for our staff."

  • Anki Delin Eriksson, Quality & Safety Improvement Lead, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden   
    Anki is a specialist nurse with a master’s degree in oncology care. She works with quality and safety development within the Department of Oncology at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg.  She is a leading figure within the Regional Cancer Centres in Sweden, where she focuses on education in safety handling of hazardous drugs.

    • ​​The Swedish National Working Group training, challenges, and success factors for safer hazardous drug administration. 

  • Dr. Karen Campbell, is an Associate Professor at Edinburgh Napier University where she is Head of Learning and Teaching in the School of Health and Social care. Karen has led programmes of cancer research and currently UKONS grant research on the ‘perceptions and experiences of exposure to cytotoxic chemotherapy’. 

    • Perceptions and experiences of exposure to cytotoxic chemotherapy.

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