Conference 2025
Protecting Oncology Nurses from the occupational health risks of handling Anticancer Drugs: Maintaining a Healthy Workforce.
09.00 Chairman Paul Sessink, PhD, Exposure Control, Sweden
Introduction of the Conference and the speakers.
09.15 Helena Ullgren, President Elect European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS)
Aspects of occupational safety: a survey among European cancer nurses.
09.45 Anki Delin Eriksson, RN, MSc at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, and
Jan Degerfält, a renowned author and lecturer with a vast experience with education and implementation of the national online educational platform in the field of oncology.
Creating a Safe working environment, through different learning platforms.
11.00 Seth Eisenberg, Oncology Nursing Lecturer, USA
Seth has spent the last 25 years promoting hazardous drug safety as an international lecturer, nurse researcher.
How Europe can benefit from lessons learned in the US.
13.00 Dr. Karen Campbell, President UKONS, UK
Practicing the legal right to protect every oncology worker – JOPP study and UKONS PECAN survey
13.45 Matthias Hellberg-Naegele, A Clinical Nurse Specialist at the Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen, CH
How Switzerland and Germany are applying OS regulations
14.30 Josh Cobb, Secretary of the European Biosafety Network
Forsa Program Ireland
15.00 Closing session, Discussions with Q & A
16.00 End of Conference
Chairman Paul Sessink, PhD, Exposure Control, Sweden.
Paul is an internationally renowned researcher & co-author of 40 scientific publications regarding environmental and biological monitoring of occupational exposure to hazardous drugs.
Helena Ullgren, PhD, President elect EONS, RN oncology and Palliative care.
Aspects of Occupational Safety, examples from cancer nurses in Europe, European oncology nursing society "Cancer nursing index".
Anki Delin Eriksson, Quality & Safety Improvement Lead, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden.
Anki is a specialist nurse with a master’s degree in oncology care. She works with quality and safety development within the Department of Oncology at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg.
Jan Degerfält, a Lecturer at Lund University has more than 25 years of experience with education in the field of oncology. Early on, he discovered the need for teaching materials, which led to him writing text chapter and books. He started early setting up national online educational courses, such as the successful safe handling course.
Seth Eisenberg, Oncology Nursing Lecturer, USA.
Seth has been practicing as an Oncology Certified nurse since 1983. He has spent the last 25 years promoting hazardous drug safety as an international lecturer, nurse researcher, and author of several articles and book chapters, including the Oncology Nursing Society's Safe Handling of Hazardous Drugs.
Dr. Karen Campbell, President UKONS, Associate Professor at Edinburgh Napier University. Karen has led programmes of cancer research and currently UKONS grant research on the `perceptions and experiences of exposure to cytotoxic chemotherapy’.
Mattias Hellberg-Naegele, MSc, Advanced Practice Nurse, Switzerland/Germany.
Matthias is an experienced oncology nurse with almost 30 years of expertise. He played a pivotal role in the development of the 'Freiburg Model' in Germany, which led to the delegation of cytotoxic drug administration to nurses. He was responsible for training nurses throughout Germany in the safe administration of cytotoxic drugs for many years. Matthias is now working in Switzerland and, as an Advanced Practice Nurse in the outpatient area, has a deep understanding of the handling of cytotoxic drugs in clinical practice in Switzerland.
Josh Cobb, Secretary of the European Biosafety Network.
Josh Cobb is Head of Communications for the European Biosafety Network (EBN), an independent organisation dedicated to improving safety measures in healthcare settings across Europe. The EBN, established in 2010, focuses on implementing EU directives to prevent injuries and occupational exposure to hazardous drugs among healthcare workers. Josh contributes to advancing practical and legislative policies that protect both workers and patients from risks associated with medical environments.

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